1. Opened with the Pledge at 7:10 PM

2. Made introductions all around.

3. Report on the passing of Al Bruning WB5OHK

4. Secretary Report-Minutes of the Feb. 2005 meeting were read by Sec. Richard KA5ALO. One correction was noted, corrected and passed to the club for resolution.

Bill N9SQZ made motion to approve minutes as read with correction with 2nd

Don KD5KWV. Voted on and approved by members.

5. Treasurers Report-Larry K5VVD gave the report with expenses and incomes listed.

We do not publish dollar amounts on the web but the report is always available at the club meetings for perusal of members.

6. CORA report by Bill N9SQV-Bill told about CORA's need to get an early insurance tally in from the CORA clubs to set rates in a timely manner. Also talked about the pre-registration prize and information on Ham Holiday this year.

6. Tech. report by Don KD5KWV-Don gave report on the 70cm repeater that will be going up soon on 443.175mhz with PL tone of 141.3. Don asked for volunteers to help get antenna up when it is ready. Call signs of volunteers are KD5RSG,KD5ZUG,KE5CES AND KA5ALO. Don also discussed Gin Poles.

7. Tech meeting will be at the Vo-Tech on N. Choctaw Rd. Time 7:00pm. Topic will be operating QRP and things relating to the endeavor. Program will be from Richard KA5ALO.


2005 OKC Memorial Marathon to be held 24 April, 2005 starting early in the morning. Information is already being sent to volunteers via email.

FIELD DAY 2005-Randy says he has a portable generator available if we need to use one this year. Randy is also looking into potential sites for this year including 10 Acre Lake and the old Miskelly Park. We will keep you informed.

APRS building event. The Tiny Trac 3 kits have been ordered and we will get things going soon. If you have any club equipment, please notify one of the club officers Saturday morning net. Going well usually. We have 5 to 8 checkins most Saturdays with a few Saturdays when we don't have any checkins. If you would think you would like to be a Net Control station occasionally, please let Richard KA5ALO or any of the club officers know. I enjoy it very much myself and would like to spread that joy around some. What is that old saying?? "Try it, You'll like it".

MINI BBQ QRP GET TOGETHER. It was suggested that we use that as a pre-Field Day practice session complete with Food, Radios, Food and more Food. If we choose to do that, we need to decide soon.

9. Motion to adjourn

Motion to adjourn made by Bill N9SQV with 2nd by Don N5ENQ. Approved by members at 8:07pm RICHARD KA5ALO SEC. CHOCTAW ARC