Choctaw Amateur Radio Club (CARC) Regular Monthly Meeting was held on January 20, 2003. At the First Baptist Church of Nicoma Park. A quorum was met and business conducted as follows.

The Choctaw Amateur Radio Club meeting was called to order by President Don McDown N5ENQ , at 7:05PM. Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Members and guests introduced themselves. The secretary recorded 19 members present and one guest C. Weilbrenner.

Secretary's Report- November minutes were approved as published on the web page. December meeting was a Christmas lunch, no business was conducted, except for turning over the gavel to the new president.

Treasurer's Report was given and accepted

A Thank you letter was received from the Mid-Del Food Pantry and will be posted on the web site.

Repeater- The PL is installed. Not totally active though, making sure everyone has a chance to pl there radios.  This needs to get into the Repeater directory.

Echo Link- It is working great, and several have made a lot of contacts.

Storm Cellar project- Nothing to report

Old Business:

Business meetings for the next two months, Feb and Mar. will be held at the First Baptist Church in Nicoma Park at 7pm on the 3rd Monday. 

HF and 2m radio for the club: Left open, if someone finds a good deal, then we will vote on it.

ORSI- Bill  K3YC will be the ORSI representative for this year, and will have his membership paid by the club. Don N5ENQ will join and go to some of the meetings also.

Club Insurance- Bill K3YC has checked it out and it is very expensive.

Swap Meet- DX association will not be meeting with our swap meet. Since the Community Center has raised its rates, it will be hard to break even. Motion was made by Chuck KC5EZS to discontinue the March swap meet, Motion was seconded and passed. September Swap meet is left open at this time.

New Business:

Tech meeting February 6th at 7 pm. It was decided to go to the Salvation Army where OCAPA club meets and have a show and tell . They have a nice emergency setup, and it would be good for everyone to see it and be familiar with it. The Salvation Army building is west of Bryant on SE 44th. There will be a map on the web site.

Coffee/Breakfast- The coffee will be held at Roosters in Jones on February 1 at 9:15. This is very informal.

Club equipment- The club doesn't have a good inventory of equipment.  Report to Don N5ENQ with any equipment you have that belongs to the club.

Repeater site- Motion was made to pay Don Clark KB5KWV dues for the use of  the repeater electricty.

Ham Holiday- Chuck KC5EZS CORA President  spoke on what we could do to support Ham Holiday. Pre-registration is still only 7 dollars.  Ham Holiday flyers were handed out.  This is the 30th Ham Holiday.If you have any ideas for helping out, please contact Chuck KC5EZS. His email is on the club roster page.

CORA- This is a new year, 3 Directors are needed from the club. Bill K3YC, Bill N9SQV, Norm W5FLO, and Chuck KC5EZS volunteered with Don N5ENQ  as an alternate. A motion was made to accept these members to be our directors for the coming year.  It was seconded and passed.

Ada Ham Fest- This will be on February 8th at the Ada Fairgrounds.

Membership- Discussion about last years members followed. Chuck will send out an email to them, and let them know the Post Office box, so they can mail in their membership.  He will report next month, and then it might be best to send out a mailing to them.

Coffee Maker- Larry K5VVD agreed to take care of the coffee pot and make coffee for the meetings.

Announcement- Bill N9SQV told that the VE testing has gone up to 12 dollars. Reimbursement is 6 dollars, you do have to validate your expenses.

FCC has a Hotline for comments in changes

Meeting adjourned at 8:35

Respectfully submitted,
Kay Holzman KB5VJR
CARC Secretary