Choctaw Amateur Radio Club (CARC) Regular Monthly Meeting was held on February 17, 2003. At the First Baptist Church at Nicoma Park. A quorum was met and business conducted as follows.

The Choctaw Amateur Radio Club meeting was called to order by President Don McDown N5ENQ, at 7:05 PM. Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Members and guest introduced themselves. The secretary recorded 12 members and 1 guest, Jason Smith KD5THY.  C. Weilbrenner W6NNH was introduced as our new member.


Technical meeting- Since the last Technical meeting was cancelled because of weather, you can still see the Salvation Army setup by going to the CORA meeting on the 1st Saturday of the month. At the March 6th Technical meeting Chuck will be giving it on Easy GPS Software.

Monthly Coffee- This will be held on March 1st at Roosters in Jones at 9:15 am

PRESIDENTS COMMENTS -FCC communications emergency on 7.243 MHz for part of the East coast.  Green Country Ham Fest is March 14-15. Elk City is March 1.


  1. March meeting will be held at the First Baptist Church of Nicoma Park. The meeting will be March 17th.
  2. Club inventory and equipment- If you have any of the club's equipment, please let Don N5ENQ know either by phone or email.
  3.  HF and 2Meter radio for the club- A committee of three was formed to look into this. There was much discussion this month on the pro's and con's of buying an HF rig. The committee consists of Bill K3YC, Bill N9SQV and Chuck KC5EZS.


  1. Volunteer Examiners for Ham Holiday- Bill N9SQV brought up the need to have some volunteer examiners to help SCARS VE team with Ham Holiday. OJ WB5SRX said he would be available. Let Bill know if you can help.
  2. Field Day- It isn't too early to start thinking about Field Day. There could be a class F station operating from an EOC facility.  Don N5ENQ will reserve the park, but a person is needed to head it up.  Maybe setting up on Saturday morning and taking it down after the picnic Saturday evening would be a good idea.
  3. Club Name Tags- Chuck KC5EZS will send out an email, asking the club members if they would like to have a nametag made. It would be magnetic instead of a pin type one. If there are at least 20 members wanting something like that, the price would probably be around 5 to 6 dollars each. 
  4. Storm Shelters at Nicoma Park- Don N5ENQ, Chuck KC5EZS and Bill N9SQV will go to the Nicoma Park Police Chief to see if the club can help them identify the storm shelters in that town.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kay Holzman KB5VJR
CARC Secretary