The postponed March 18th Choctaw Amateur Radio Club (CARC) Regular Monthly meeting was held on March 28th, 2002. At the Eastern Oklahoma County Vo-Tech. A quorum was met and business conducted as follows.

The Choctaw Amateur Radio Club meeting was called to order by President Chuck Kanach, KC5EZS, at 7:00 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The secretary recorded 15 members and one visitor.  Wesley Horton, KD5RAL was welcomed as a guest of Mike McFarland N5WNT and Jay Ingram W5QVS.

Since the meeting was held in a classroom, no net was called.


  1. Sick Report - Jackie Hazelwood is in the hospital, a report was given, and a card has been sent.
  2. Secretary's Report - The minutes for February were approved as read on the internet.
  3. Treasurer's Report was given and accepted. Also given were the financial results on the swap meet.
  4. Web Site is up and running and the president commended Duane, KA5WRG the club's webmaster for his outstanding job of putting the web together and encouraged everyone to visit it often, as things will change - item closed.
  5. CORA - Bill, KC5ICR gave the report on the past CORA meeting.
  6. Tower- no report.
  7. VE Testing - No one showed up for testing last month.
  8. Fox Hunt - This will be set up via email and maybe a different format than last time. APRS might fall in with the GPS Fox Hunt.
  9. Tri-State Swap - April 6th.  Flyers for it and Ham Holiday were made available. It was also announced that Ft. Smith was having a HAM fest on April 6th..

Presidents Comments - Chuck apologized to the members for not finding another meeting location during the Spring Break week to have our regular business meeting.. The good news was that the club's database of member's phone numbers were all current. 

Old Business:

  1. OKC Marathon - This still needs help. Item closed
  2. Swap Meet:

New Business:

  1. History Book - Bill, K5JVD volunteered to maintain the club's History Book.  Any pictures or other items of interest about our club activities should be given to him.   (Thanks Bill.)
  2. April Coffee - Rooster's in Jones, OK is a great place to have the coffee, so it will be at 9:15 A.M. on April 13th.
  3. Chuck, KC5EZS suggested two additional pages be added to our web site.  A page to remember the accomplishments of our club's Silent Keys and a page to display our club history. Both approved.
  4. Field Day
  5. Technical Meeting will be on April 4th in the Oak Room at the Eastern Oklahoma County Vo-Tech at 7:00 P.M.  Dave, WD5G will talk on Firewalls and Internet Security.   Bill, K5JVD volunteered to bring cookies.
  6. CORA Representative - Bill, KC5ICR , Larry, K5VVD, and Chuck, KC5EZS will represent our club at the next CORA meeting.
  7. Route 66 Event - This years event is from September 7th through15th. Don, N5ENQ asked for a volunteer to chair this years event. No one volunteered. If you would be willing to take charge of this fun event then please contact the club president otherwise we will have to remove our club as an official sponsor.  As a result we lose national recognition for our club.
  8. ARRL - Members voted to become an ARRL affiliated club.

Meeting adjourned at 8:08 P.M.

Respectfully submitted
Kay Holzman, KB5VJR

CARC Secretary