Choctaw Amateur Radio Club Minutes from April 21, 2008 Members Present: Richard Johnson WA5EOD Bill Crossland N9SQV CARC Vice President Walt Diehl KA3AMK Duane Angles KA5WRG Bill Tarkington K3YC CORA Officer/Treasurer Don McDown N5ENQ CORA Director Ron Earnest W5RGT Bill Wilburn N5NUK CARC Secretary CORA Officer/President Dave Downing WD5G CARC President David Huntz NH6SM Larry Brewer K5VVD CARC Treasurer Jerry Baumeister KD5ZUG The meeting was called to order at 7pm and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag. Previous Minutes: The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed. Three corrections were made. A motion to accept the corrected March minutes was made by Bill N9SQV and seconded by Duane KA5WRG. The motion passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report: Larry K5VVD presented the Treasurer’s Report listing debits and credits, which consisted of only the phone line bill and a donation to the repeater fund respectively. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Bill N9SQV and seconded by Bill K3YC. The motion passed unanimously. Repeater replacement: Ron W5RGT reported the new repeater is ready to be installed. A work crew will need to be organized. OLD BUSINESS: Club Equipment Inventory List: After researching the available minutes on the website, it was determined there has not been an inventory list of club equipment. Dave WD5G suggested contacting C W6NNH going to his place to inventory the equipment that is stored in his garage. The lasted person mentioned in the archived minutes regarding an inventory was Dave N3CI. Dave WD5G mentioned contacting Dave N3CI via email on this issue. There was also some discussion regarding what to do with the old 440 equipment. NEW BUSINESS: Field Day 2008: Don N5ENQ raised questions regarding going to Mt. Scott; how many would be interested in making the trip there particularly in light of the increased cost of gas, and if it would be better to find a local spot and use the large tent. The Choctaw Park was suggested for those not going to Mt. Scott. It was determined that most aspects of Field Day be worked out by the May meeting. Field Day is June 28/29. Tech Meeting: Don N5ENQ will do a presentation on Winlink for the May Tech Meeting. Saturday Morning Breakfast: There were three at the April 12 breakfast gathering that lasted for about an hour-and-a-half. Dave WD5G urged more to show up for good coffee, food, and fat-chewing. The breakfast is the 2nd Saturday of the month at 8:30am. Call Sign Renewal: Dave WD5G discovered the K5CAR call sign had expired in June 2007. Duane KA5WRG will be the new trustee. Hopefully the renewal can be processed without having to go through Frank AB5H. The cost is $11.70 for the FCC and $5.00 for the ARRL to process it. Announcements: Dave WD5G reminded members about the OKC Marathon pre-briefing the following evening at the Citadel at 7pm and the Marathon the following Sunday. Bill K3YC mentioned the need for club members to help with clean-up duty at the end of Ham Holiday. This led to the… …CORA Report: Bill N5NUK gave the CORA report regarding flyers in the mail, tickets for club meetings, etc. There was some discussion regarding club tables and the sale of various items. There was no other business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:57pm.