Choctaw Amateur Radio Club (CARC) Regular Monthly Meeting was held on May 19, 2003. At the Eastern Oklahoma County Vo-Tech.  A quorum was met and business conducted as follows.
The Choctaw Amateur Radio Club meeting was called to order by President Don McDown N5ENQ , at 7PM. Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The secretary recorded  11 members as they arrived. There were no guests.
Presidents Comments- Don N5ENQ announced that Bill N9SQV, Chuck KC5EZS, and C. W6NNH helped with the OKC Marathon.  Chuck KC5EZS added they would need more people next year for the Marathon.  Chuck was asked how many hours Choctaw club members put in on the Disaster Relief with the Salvation Army. He said we had put in 70 volunteer hours for communications.
Sick Report- Please keep in your prayers, Bill K3YC as he was in the hospital and being discharged while we were having the meeting, and Peggy, Bill K5URMs wife as she goes thru more chemo. Also brought to our attention that Gerald Brophy KD5GP, one of our members, became a silent key in March.
Secretary's Report- Secretarys report was accepted as posted on the web site, with a comment. It was asked that the secretary include how many members and guests were at the meeting.
Treasurer's Report was given and accepted.
CORA- Next meeting is on June 7th.They had a pretty good turnout, but need more people to come to the meetings.
Tower/Technical Report- The UPS was bought and has been installed.
Choctaw Emergency Management status- Item in the Choctaw paper, complete with picture. It can be found on the CARC web site.  Fire Chief at Nicoma Park is ready for us to do his town. He will be writing a letter for the members to carry while they do the storm shelter logging.  Also ARES net on 146.82 7:30 PM on Thursdays.  Discussion followed about getting an organized group for disaster preparedness.
Tech Meeting- Don N5ENQ will ask Ron W5RGT to switch the schematics tech meeting to July, as it was mentioned that if we were going to do Field Day, that the tech meeting should be about Field Day.
Monthly Coffee- Meeting place and time changed. CARC members will meet at Nicoma Park park, across from the Golf course, if it is available, otherwise at 10 Acre lake on NE 10th St. at 8am.  Coffee and donuts will be provided.  Motion was made and seconded that the club buy the donuts. Passed.  Others can bring other goodies to snack on also. It will be a time to tune the antennas for Field Day.
Old Business
  1. Club Name tags- It would be expensive, but a comment made from a newer member brought up a discussion, which evolved into putting pictures of the members on the web page.  Hal W5EJE will use his digital camera, send them to Chuck KC5EZS, to be put on the web page.
  2. Club table at Ham Holiday- Just a reminder about the club table. Anything sold on that table will go to the club treasury. Also please have a suggested price on the item, and if it doesnt sell by the end, it will be put in the dumpster unless you are there to take it home.
  3. Club tower sections- Ron W5RGT got 5 sections, Baptist Relief got 2, Bill K5URM got 2 and Bill N9SQV wants 2, should have 4 left.
New Business:
  1. Bill K3YC has resigned as CARC VP. It was asked that someone volunteer for that position.  Chuck KC5EZS said he would volunteer. According to the Constitution and By Laws for CARC, Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special elections at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation.  Motion was made and seconded that Chuck KC5EZS  would be the new VP.  It was voted on and passed.
  2. Field Day- C. W6NNH was appointed the Coordinator for Field Day.  His email address is W6NNH@AMSAT.ORG   He needs every members help. Please send him a message letting him know what you can help with. Equipment - What you have that can be used for Field Day. Time- What time you can give in setting up, working the radios, and taking down. If you know of hams who havent been too active, see if they would like to come and participate.  CW operators are always welcomed, as are all hams.  Please check the ARRL Web page for the Field Day Rules. Some are new, please read up on them.  Your participation will let C. know whether the club can just do a Saturday Field Day or if it can go Saturday and Sunday.  IF YOU WANT FIELD DAY, YOU NEED TO RESPOND TO C.  The decision will be made at the next meeting.  CARC normally has an HF voice and a CW station. Possibility of using digital also. The Novice/Tech has gone to a GOTA station  (Get On The Air). Don has a propane grill if someone will help him load it at his house.  Motion was made and seconded to allow $50 from the club treasury for meat and drinks.  Mike N5WNT has usually done the buying, Don N5ENQ will check with him and see if he still would like to do it.  Picnic Saturday evening with families supplying the rest of the food.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm
Respectfully submitted
Kay Holzman KB5VJR
CARC Secretary