Choctaw Amateur Radio Club (CARC) Regular Monthly Meeting was held on June 18, 2001 at the Eastern Oklahoma County Vo-Tech. A quorum was met and business conducted as follows: The Choctaw Amateur Radio Club meeting was called to order by Vice President Don Clark KB5KWV at 7pm. Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 11 members introduced themselves, Bill N9SQV introduced his guest Kevin Porter KD5NRQ. Chuck KC5EZS invited Dave Edger AA5NU, who introduced himself. We welcomed both of our guests. Reports: Secretary's report- The minutes of the last meeting did not get into the Collector/Emitter. Hal KB1ZQ apologized for the oversight. Minutes were approved as read in email. Treasurer's report was accepted as given. YL report- Still going on, although sometimes it is shortened. Vice Presidents Message: Don KB5KWV reminded everyone of the ORSI 2001 Summer Meeting on June 30, 2001. The repeater was having a problem, but is up to full power now. Old Business: VE testing- was canceled. Route 66- Don N5ENQ reported that he would verify that the Cowboy Hall of Fame will be available to us. If anyone has ideas about graphics for the QSL card, please bring them to the next meeting. The station will be W6D this year. Website- tabled for the next meeting. CORA- Meeting was forgotten- no excuse given. PO Box- Paid, item closed. Field Day- Site reserved, Start setting up at 8am. Equipment was discussed and will be brought. Motion made and seconded and accepted that the club buy 2 dz. donuts for Saturday morning. Pot luck will be at 6pm. Chicken will be supplied by the club. New Business: CORA Meeting- June 26th- Bill N9SQV and Bill KC5ICR will attend. Ham Holiday- Hams needed, send in for your tickets early. Program: No program this month because of Field Day. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm. Respectfully submitted Kay Holzman KB5VJR CARC secretary