CARC Business Meeting minutes, 21 June 2004

1. Called to order at 7 p.m. at Eastern Oklahoma County Technological Center, Oak Room.

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.

3. Verbal roll call and sign-in sheet. Four officers and 14 more people were present. We welcomed some visitors: Choctaw Fire Chief Loren Bumgarner KE5BQZ, Kevin Arnold KD5RHF, and Daniel Turner KD5UZZ.

4. Sick report: Chet Hazelwood has had knee replacement and is home now.

5. Business reports:

a. The minutes of the 17 May meeting were read by the secretary, and two corrections were noted. They are: Under new business, there was no "committee on the club constitution" formed at the 17 May meeting. Instead, the committee was formed to clarify the new membership and renewal procedure. Also, for Fire Chief Bumgarner's VE test the cost should have been $12, not $10. With those changes the minutes were accepted.

b. CORA report by Chuck Kanach: Ham Holiday plans are proceeding without problems. Edmond Amateur Radio Society invites participation in their commemoration of the 4th of July, a parade to take place on 3 July (Saturday). Bring a 2-meter handie-talkie if you have one.

c. Technical report: The new power supply for our repeater has not yet been bought. Purchase was authorized at the 17 May meeting. Don Clark and Ron Earnest will pick one.

d. No report on storm shelter locations; the latest report was in the May 17 minutes.

e. First Thursday technical meeting program: We could have a show and tell for newly licensed amateurs. One question to work on: Which rig should I buy?

f. First Saturday 9 a.m. coffee: Cancelled for July.

6. Old business:

a. Field Day plans were finalized…..CLOSED.

b. Ham Holiday preparation item: Bill Crossland brought in the QRZ CD's that the club authorized him to order at a previous meeting. Prices were set by motion from Chuck Kanach and second by Walt Diehl, with all members voting in favor. Some will be sold to club members and some at Ham Holiday.     CLOSED.

c. Installation of 2-meter transceiver in fire chief's vehicle has been done…..CLOSED.

d. Memorandum of Agreement with city of Choctaw for emergency situation management: No progress to report yet…..OPEN.

e. Fire chief's VE test: Chief Bumgarner passed the test and earned amateur radio callsign KE5BQZ…..CLOSED.

f. Thanks to Randy Glenn KE5BQW for volunteering to help Chuck Kanach maintain our web pages…..CLOSED.

7. New business:

a. Choctaw Fire Chief Leon Bumgarner gave us advance notice of a mock disaster drill coming up August 20th. He asked our club to help and we accepted.

b. New member Randy Glenn KE5BQW asked for help in learning more about ham radio. He already has a tower going up. (See First Thursday technical meeting suggestion above.)

8. Motion to adjourn; adjourned at 8:30 p.m.