Choctaw Amateur Radio Club (CARC) Regular Monthly Meeting was held on July 15, 2002.  In the Oak Room at the Eastern Oklahoma County Vo-Tech.  A quorum was met and business conducted as follows.

The Choctaw Amateur Radio Club meeting was called to order by President Chuck Kanach, KC5EZS, at 7:00 PM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The secretary recorded 10 members present, and 4 guests. Hal Hefner W5EJE, Dave Duskin NE5S, Mark Hamblin WL7FT, and the Choctaw Fire Chief Loren.

Net control for the meeting was Bill Tarkington K3YC. There were two checkins.

President Chuck KC5EZS introduced the Choctaw Fire Chief, and he spoke to us on the project of using the GPS for locating storm shelters in an emergency situation, and how we can help. As soon as everything is in place he will let us know.

Sick report - A report was given about the status of Les KB5RV. * Secretary note: As most of you know, Les became a silent key on July 16th, and the memorial service was on the 19th. Please still say prayers for the family*

Secretary's Report - Secretary's minutes for June were accepted as corrected.  Minutes should have mentioned that Carl Jennings was refunded 6 months dues according to the rules and regulations of the CARC.

Treasurer's Report was given and accepted. Included in that report was the partial dues returned to OJ WB5SRX.

CORA - Bill K3YC gave the CORA report.

Tower - Still in progress

WIRES - No report

Presidents Comments President Chuck KC5EZS reminded everyone about Ham Holiday and urged our attendance.

Old Business:

New Business:

Meeting Adjourned at 8:26pm

Respectfully Submitted
Kay Holzman KB5VJR
CARC Secretary