Choctaw Amateur Radio Club Minutes from August 18, 2008 Members Present: Bill Tarkington K3YC CORA Officer/Treasurer Ron Earnest W5RGT Richard Edwards KA5ALO Dave Downing WD5G CARC President Bill Crossland N9SQV CARC Vice President Walt Diehl KA3AMK Bill Wilburn N5NUK CARC Secretary CORA Officer/President Dave Huntz NH6SM Don McDown N5ENQ CORA Director The meeting opened at 7:02 with the Pledge of Allegiance. Previous Minutes: Minutes from the July meeting were corrected and accepted. Treasurer’s Report: There was no Treasurer’s Report OLD BUSINESS: Repeater Shack Report: There was discussion about the replacement of the door to the building. Seems the old door size is not a common size and there will have to be adjustments made to the doorframe or a new door in order to make it fit. A question was raised about the cost of a new door, Dave WD5G stated he would investigate the cost issue. Club Inventory: Dave WD5G made contact with C W6NNH and proposed collaborating on an inventory list. Items for the list include (2) TA33 Jrs., a 6-meter A5S Cushcraft Yagi, two push-up poles, a tent, and other sundry tidbits. No one was available for the Gainesville Hamfest in order to attempt selling the old repeater. A motion was made by Bill N9SQV to sell the repeater for whatever could be gotten for it. Bill K3YC seconded the motion. Ron W5RGT suggested keeping the old repeater as a back up in case the new one sustained damage from a lightning hit. The motion to sell it was then withdrawn. NEW BUSINESS: Route 66 Event: A call for volunteers to participate in the event 13 September was raised. The location was TBD, but Pops was the primary location pick. Dave WD5G, Bill K3YC, and Bill N9SQV said they’d work it. Richard KA5ALO and Don N5ENQ were unsure if they would be available. CORA Report: Bill N5NUK gave a preliminary report on Ham Holiday and the need to move the event to another location. A handful of locations were mentioned. The winner of the free admission to next year’s Ham Holiday is Charlene Crossland KC5VEB. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.