Choctaw Amateur Radio Club (CARC) Regular Monthly Meeting was held on August 18, 2003.  At the Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center. A quorum was met and business conducted as follows.

The Choctaw Amateur Radio Club meeting was called to order by President Don McDown N5ENQ, at 7PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The secretary recorded 18 members and 1 guest.  New member, David Huntz NH6SM joined at the last tech meeting.  Jerry Taylor KC5MWZ was a guest of Bill N9SQV.

Presidents opening comments: President Don N5ENQ asked for sick reports. BilL K5URM'S wife, Peggy is still taking chemo but the tumors seem to be shrinking.  Al, WB5OHK reported that his wife Ophelia was about the same. OJ WB5SRX's wife Marilyn is doing much better and seems to be clear of the infection. Some remarked how good it was to hear Bill K3YC back on the radio. Keep them all in your prayers.




Meeting was adjourned at 8:29 PM

Respectfully submitted
Kay Holzman  KB5VJR
CARC Secretary